Sunday, August 11, 2013

Brotherly Visit and More

Now after the sad news of Lucy, and the expensive truck repairs going on, we had a wonderful time with my brother Nigel and his wife Linda and Kaitlin their 12 year old. We had planned on only 5 days with them, sure that we should not stay too long, as we did not want them to get tired of us. So we had to stay 2 weeks and 3 days because of the truck. See there is a reason for everything. We could not have been in a better place when things were falling apart. Love. We had so much fun together. I got to know Linda so much more because we did not have all the rest of the siblings and families to visit with. So fun time together and naturally Kaitlin too. 

Cookies by Kaitlin

Nigel, Linda's brother in law Steve and the niece and nephew

That is a bit of fireworks over my head.
  We went out for Mexican food, saw Les Miserables at a small playhouse in town where Kaitlin is in plays, played put-put, went to see The Lone Ranger, ate Linda’s father’s Philippine soup. Yummy, they toned down the sour taste a bit for us. We took turns cooking, spent time shopping at a huge Asian market, Trader Joes and Michaels, and JoAnn fabrics, and I introduced them to Tuesday morning. We went to fireworks in the next town with her sister and her family, went to a baseball game in Sacramento, went to a dance school and watched 3 year olds to older teenagers dance to hip-hop, Sat and talked, ate Chinese and more Philippine food.  The men went golfing and golfing and golfing and golfing, watched golfing, played with motorcycles, rode motorcycles, bought more motorcycles and they talked about golfing, motorcycles, and cars. Also I taught Kaitlin and her friends and cousins how to sew my little zipper bags and make YOYOS.  Let’s see anything else?? Oh yes, they helped us find a new dog to love. Yolo!! And off we went with the truck and RV to our next adventure.
Fresno and Sacramento Triple A Baseball

Kaitlin and her friend Ava

Linda Harold and her Dad

Local play, loved it

My dear brother Nigel

Kaitlin sewing some shorts from instructions on line.
Sewing bags today with Kaitlin, cousin and friend. 

The Harold's with Justice.
Off to the next campground with Yolo, it has been a great visit with the Harold--thank you soooo much!!!

Yolo and Roger loving their napping!  This was the first day--would you say she bonded quickly?!!

We stayed 2 nights in a Thousand Trails campground on the Russian River and then made our way up to a “Hippy Campground and Spa” ,Jackson Wells, to see some friends. We had a great time visiting Brian and Mary and catching up with each other’s lives. Ashland, Oregon is such a neat little town. Could move and live there forever happily, except would have to move all friends and family there.

After that we went to Pacific City and visited the beach and rested. 
Yolo running on the beach


Old fogies at the beach

Now are in Seaside, Oregon for 2 weeks. This is a beach town that is really busy, especially on the weekends. The campground was very full, then emptied out one day and filled back up the next. We are looking forward to seeing some friends here. Meanwhile I am sewing, walking with Yolo, reading, eating—just chilling.  We found out today that Yolo is a Deer Chihuahua. We always thought she looked like a little dear when she is curled up sleeping, but a man in the park said it is a type of Chihuahua that does not have the apple head of most of them, and she does not. She is cute, well behaved, loves to cuddle and is finally learning not to bark at every dog she sees.  We will be getting Lucy’s ashes on Thursday and that will be sad, but we will be glad she can finish the trip with us.
Yolo the Deer Chihuahua

In Seaside we had a wonderful visit with Paula Crawford, her son and his family. They were there for a reunion with her Her daughter-in-laws family. 2 months before, Michelle and I decided to surprise Paula at this visit. She was in Washington visiting them and they brought her with them to the reunion—it was such a cool surprise. We had fun eating seafood, had my first fresh oyster heated on the grill and my first razor clam. I was surprised how good they were. Had lobster as well. YUM!

Now we are in Pacific City, enjoying walking Yolo. The last few days have been overcast-and we have been lazy. Sunshine is to happen on my birthday on the 13th—a Leo needs her sunshine. We have visited the area before, went to the local quilt fabric shop, and found a great Mexican food restaurant. I think we are going to go to Camp 18 restaurant Tuesday like we did 3 years ago.

We hope you are all doing well and able to tolerate the heat without too high an electric bill. Love to you all!!!
Roger and Janet

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